Tree pruning is not a difficult task if you can follow all the tips and directions correctly and with precision. Your trees need pruning and trimming regularly to maintain their beauty, to improve their health and appearance, to stunt the growth of dead branches and to eliminate decaying branches which may pose different hazards and problems. If you do not regularly follow tree pruning then eventually it may lead to tree removal as the tree can become decayed and damaged and also dead.
Benefits of Tree Trimming or Pruning
Tree trimming if done regularly has many benefits for the trees and if it is avoided, then it can pose many hazards as well.
Health: Pruning your trees will eliminate dead, damaged and decayed branches and promote the overall health of the tree. Some branches can get disease infected by insects which can also spread to the whole tree or other trees. If the tree catches disease then ultimately you will have to go for tree removal. Pruning the tree, the extra tree weight is also reduced.
Safety: Deteriorating or dead branches of the tree can fall by themselves if not trimmed and can cause harm and destruction the neighborhood and its inhabitants. These branches may also grow and cause an obstruction on roads or in houses. Trimming creates a sturdy and strong tree structure that prevents safety hazards.
Aesthetics: By pruning the trees properly, new growth of branches will be encouraged, and the tree itself will become healthy, fresh with ample growth of leaves and fruits and your tree itself will look neat, tidy, and groomed. It will also open up your land and look beautiful to the eye.
Tips for Tree Pruning
For appropriate tree trimming, follow the tips below.
- Take a survey of the tree properly and assess and shortlist which of the area needs pruning and trimming.
- Keep all the necessary tools available and handy with you and learn the uses of each tool and on which type of branch they can be used.
- Start with trimming all the decaying and dead branches of the tree and eliminate all the damaged branches.
- Trim the branches that have weak, narrow or V-shaped angles
- Never trim very strong or U-shaped branches.
- Always resort to pruning your tree in the dormant season except when there is an urgent need.
- Make sure about the diameter of the branch that you are trimming. Always go for trimming a branch of less than 5 cm in diameter and if it is more than that, then you should have a valid reason and professional tool for trimming.
- Prune your tree to the right size, it should not be too close, too long or too slant in the cut.
- Prune away the branches that are crossing other branches as this could lead to uneven growth.
- If you are pruning form the bottom of the tree makes sure to not increase by 1/3 of the total size of the tree.
If the problem in your tree has aggravated and the tree has become damaged beyond repair, then you should call in an expert for professional tree removal company bethesda.